In 2020, Inclusive Prosperity Capital partnered with Mission Energy to make energy improvements possible for their customers utilizing the Solar Power Purchase Agreement. This is just one example of how Green Banks partnering together can make communities stronger, greener, and more resilient.
Who is Mission Energy?
Mission Energy provides turnkey solar and energy efficiency project development, funding, and implementation services for nonprofit organizations. Whether your interest is in reducing your energy costs or monetizing land or other real estate assets, Mission Energy does the hard work so you don’t have to.
Why is IPC involved?
IPC has partnered with Mission Energy to provide capital for their solar and energy efficiency projects. Mission Energy develops projects for nonprofits such as religious organizations, hospitals, schools, and other institutions. To date, IPC and Mission Energy have closed on 3 solar PPA projects with more underway.
The Right Resources to Help Meet Your Goals
Mission Energy provides trusted and proven project development, management and financing services that meet the unique needs of nonprofit organizations. Our team of dedicated experts, and a diverse and experienced Advisory Board, provides the critical resources that nonprofit organizations require to advance innovative energy projects that reduce financial risk and uncertainty.